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Meet Kim

Kim Bourgeois is our partner for Behavioural Assessment, Strategic Goal-Setting and Personality Insights. Many organizations suffer from internal issues with personnel and Kim has an incredible capacity to identify, troubleshoot and remove the blocks that may be getting in the way of profitability and ease.

Kim's training and insight allows her to understand people's motivations and fears and assists them to align with their personality traits so they can work with their strengths and achieve their goals.

Her one-on-one approach creates an individualized action plan focused on simplifying life and thought patterns to create a clear direction for goals with accountability and support.

Working with Kim requires a three-month minimum commitment with the overall goal of being independent. Kim is on your side to keep you moving forward and she has the tools and the experience to get you where you want to be. If you can FEEL something big is coming, but FEAR the LEAP...Kim brings clarity, momentum and energy to your goals.

Ready to take the first step? Email Kim to get started

Kim Bourgeois

Kim Bourgeois
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